Heights OBGYN

Breast Health

Things you need to know about breast health

When it comes to breast health, information is key. Learning as much as you can about taking care of your breasts, and breast cancer, helps you stay healthy. Our San Antonio OBGYNs explain what you need to know about breast self-awareness, breast cancer prevention and screenings.

What is breast self-awareness?

It’s vital to get to know your breasts. Look at them in the mirror to see how they normally look. Touch them while standing and lying down to see how they feel. Knowing what is normal for you will help you detect changes that could indicate a breast problem or even breast cancer. Let our OBGYNs know if you notice any of the following changes.

  • A knot or lump in your breast tissue or under the arm
  • Discharge from your nipples
  • Changes in the nipple, such as a nipple that appears inverted
  • Changes in the breast skin, such as dimpling, bulging, puckering or ridges
  • Changes in the size or shape of the breast
  • Pain, swelling, a warm feeling or change of skin color
  • Rash, sores, scaly skin or itching

Tips for maintaining breast health

You can’t entirely prevent breast cancer, but you can take steps to keep your breasts as healthy as possible.

  • Try to get into your healthy weight range.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Eat a healthy diet that contains a lot of healthy fruits, veggies, grains, lean proteins and omega-3 fats. Limit sugar and saturated fats.
  • Limit the amount of alcohol you drink. Any amount of wine or other alcoholic drinks increases your risk.
  • Quit smoking and vaping.
  • Practice breast self-awareness.
  • Schedule your annual wellness examinations, so our San Antonio OBGYNs can monitor your breast health.

Breast cancer screenings can detect the problem in the early, most treatable stages

Breast cancer screenings help us find cancer when it’s in the early stages and easier to treat. If you are age 40 or over, we recommend annual screening mammograms as part of a comprehensive approach to maintaining breast health. 3D mammograms, or digital breast tomosynthesis, are particularly helpful for women who have dense breast tissue. If the screening mammogram finds anything unusual, you may need a diagnostic screening, ultrasound or MRI.

If your answers to questions about your personal and family history lead our OBGYNs to believe that you may have BRCA mutations that increase your risk for breast or ovarian cancer, they may recommend BRCA genetic testing to see if you have the BRCA genes. It’s a simple test that only requires you to provide a blood or saliva sample.

Our San Antonio OBGYNs are here to help you keep your breasts as healthy as possible

When you schedule your yearly examination with our physicians, you are doing the best thing for your breast health. We will usually perform a clinical breast examination and note changes in your breasts from year to year. We will also discuss screening tests and answer any questions you have. Contact us for an appointment, and together, we will work to keep your breasts healthy.