What happens during your first prenatal appointment?
As soon as you think you are pregnant, you should schedule your first prenatal appointment. This is a long visit because our San Antonio OBGYNs cover a lot of territory to ensure that your prenatal care gets off to a healthy start.
At your first visit, our team concentrates on your story
Come prepared to talk and provide information at your first prenatal care visit. Our team wants to know everything about you, including your medical and family history and your lifestyle. Here are things you should be prepared to discuss at your first prenatal appointment.
- Your last period and menstrual history to help determine your due date
- Your reproductive history: past pregnancies, miscarriages, abortions or surgeries
- Current medications, both prescription and over-the-counter
- Your family history, including genetic illnesses or diseases
- Your medical history, including medical conditions, treatments and surgeries
- Your lifestyle: smoking, drinking, drug use
- Your nutrition and fitness habits
- Your mental health, including issues such as depression and anxiety
- Your work and home environment, including potential exposure to toxic substances or jobs where you lift heavy items
Your first prenatal appointment is also a good time to ask our San Antonio OBGYNs questions about pregnancy, symptoms or other things that concern you.
Testing 1, 2, 3 – bloodwork and lab tests provide crucial information for your prenatal care
At your first prenatal care visit, you should expect to have some tests to check on issues that could affect you and your baby. Bloodwork will be performed to determine your blood type and test for several other factors that play a role in pregnancy.
- Rh factor
- Hepatitis B
- Blood problems, such as anemia
- Immunity to rubella, or German measles
- Sexually transmitted infections and diseases
- Blood disorders, such as sickle cell anemia
- Cystic fibrosis gene
- Hemoglobin and hematocrit levels
Additionally, we will ask you to provide a urine sample so that we can perform a complete urinalysis.
Let’s get physical – expect a pelvic and breast examination at your first prenatal appointment
During your first prenatal appointment, our OBGYNs perform a pelvic exam to check the condition of your cervix, ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes and vagina. They also perform a Pap test or gently swab your cervix to check for STIs, or sexually transmitted infections, such as gonorrhea and chlamydia. Our physicians will also examine your breasts to see if you have any swelling, lumps or unusual symptoms.
Our San Antonio OBGYNs take good care of your baby and you
Your initial prenatal care visit gives our team the essential information they need to provide you with exceptional pregnancy care. Contact us for an appointment with our experienced San Antonio OBGYNs.