Take action to prevent sexually transmitted infections
Sexually transmitted infections, also known as STIs, are a group of infections that spread from person to person during sexual contact, including vaginal, anal and oral sex. The most common infections are chlamydia, genital herpes, human papillomavirus (HPV) and trichomoniasis. Women can prevent STIs by practicing safe sex. Our San Antonio OBGYNs urge women to schedule annual wellness visits and to talk about symptoms or issues.
Risk factors for STIs
Anyone who has sexual contact with a new partner is at risk for sexually transmitted infections. Here are some factors that increase the risk of infection.
- Sexual contact with a new partner before knowing their medical and sexual history
- Sexual contact with multiple people, or contact with someone who has had multiple partners
- Sexual contact with a partner who has recently been diagnosed or treated for an STI
- Failure to use condoms or dental dams outside of a monogamous relationship
- Sharing needles while injecting drugs
- Alcohol or illegal drug abuse that leads to risky behavior
Safe sex practices help decrease women’s risk.
Sexually transmitted infections can cause a variety of health issues
STIs can cause symptoms such as pain during urination; itching, rashes or sores in the genital area or mouth; or abdominal and pelvic pain. However, many women don’t have any symptoms.
Because early detection and treatment can prevent additional health problems, our San Antonio OBGYNs urge women to make an annual wellness appointment for a physical examination and STI testing. Sexually transmitted infections can cause complications when women don’t get treatment.
- Infection spreading to other parts of the body
- Fertility problems
- Pregnancy health issues for mother and baby
- Cervical or vulvar cancer
Treating and managing infections
Women who come in for an annual examination, or who come to see our physicians with symptoms of an infection, need a physical examination. After that, our OBGYNs may recommend lab work, such as tests of blood, urine, fluid samples or tissue.
After diagnosis, treatment depends on the type of infection. When bacteria cause an STI, our physicians treat the infection with oral or injected antibiotics. When infections are viral, there isn’t a cure, but our physicians can manage the infection with antiviral medications.
Safe sex helps prevent STIs
While abstinence is the most effective prevention, women can have safer sex and reduce their risk in the following ways.
- Condom or dental dam use during any type of sexual contact
- Fewer sexual partners
- STI testing
- Hepatitis B and HPV vaccines
- STI treatment to help prevent infection transmission
Our San Antonio OBGYNs provide confidential, compassionate care
Patients should know that our team offers a safe space to talk about sexual issues, such as sexually transmitted infections. Women should never hesitate to discuss issues or symptoms with our physicians. We’re here to help. Contact us for an appointment.